ভাবা যায়! – Idea Collaborative | BRACU

27 May, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 8:08 pm | Etc/GMT-6



In view of what is currently happening around us and projections for the future, we certainly need to readjust our lives. Recognizing the fact that design thinking will require changes to meet the ‘new normal’, the School of Architecture & Design, BRAC University will host online discussions on how designers are thinking. You are cordially invited to join the discussion and share your thoughts.

Time: Wednesday, 27th May at 8pm on Facebook Live

Follow the Facebook Event link to join the discussion: https://www.facebook.com/events/599241164276017/ 

Courtesy: School of Architecture & Design, BRAC University
Courtesy: School of Architecture & Design, BRAC University



Syed Gousul Alam Shaon | Managing Partner & Country Head – Grey Bangladesh

Syed Gousul Alam Shaon is a leading mass communicator of Bangladesh. He has had a significant contribution in redesigning the way we approach advertising to the effect that some of the campaigns designed by him take a whole new approach to the issue. Under his leadership Grey became the only creative agency to win international awards and to become the first and only agency to win the Cannes Lion prize. He has been the key person in a number of very successful ad campaigns in the country and has stretched his talents to acting in and hosting television shows. An eloquent speaker Shaon is a formidable communicator himself.


Sabbir Amin | User Centered Designer, Inked Studios

A user centered designer, Sabbir uses HCD principles to develop business concepts and designs human experiences across different platforms (tech/non-tech, physical/digital). Projects he has collaboratively designed or is currently designing include restaurants, development projects and social businesses, online stores, parlor and spa, beach side resort.


Nabila Nowrin | Architect – Ree Architects, Designer – Bohu, & Co-founder – Moar

Nabila is an entrepreneur, leading ground breaking companies in the hospitality and furniture manufacturing industry in Bangladesh. She has introduced services and products that were built from scratch and are specifically tailored to the needs of the new Bangladesh, quickly proving them as both profitable and ubiquitous. The country’s first multi-location and favourite co-working space, Moar, and the increasingly popular and behaviour defining lifestyle brand, Bohu, are both of her creations. She also lends her Experience Design, Design Planning & Strategic Thinking skills through board advisory roles and early-investments in several sustainable and industry-disruptive startups.


Salzar Rahman | Architect & Designer, Studio Bangi

Salzar Rahman is the founder of ‘Studio Bangi’, a design studio that attempts to combine all aspects of design such as Architecture, animation, advertisement, public art and storytelling. His background in architecture has helped him pursue other avenues of interest. He has participated in a number of art exhibitions throughout the city and has directed multiple award winning advertisements and music videos. Right now his studio is focusing on public art and storytelling and working on their own animated film. He is also working with ICT to provide better Bangla content and fonts.


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