Google Enables Viewers to Experience the Transformation of Dhaka [1984-2016]

5 December, 2016 Total View: 38
Dhaka city in google timelapse

Dhaka [1984-2016 ] , source: Google timelapse

Google originally released its Timelapse feature in 2013 in partnership with TIME and NASA. Using Earth Engine, the company combined over 5 million satellite images acquired over the past three decades by 5 different satellites (source : Google  ) The technology giant hopes its Timelapse programme ‘can inform the global community’s thinking about how we live on our planet and the policies that will guide us in the future’.

Transformation of Dhaka [1984-2016];  source: Google Timelapse | Video encoded by Saimum Kabir/ CONTEXTbd

Another new feature of Google Timelapse application is, viewers can create their own timelapse tour that moves from one destination to another over time using the Timelapse Tour Editor. Google has also released Timelapse video (Youtube highlights) of 24 different places across the globe which unfortunately doesn’t include Dhaka.  CONTEXTbd  first time is releasing the video with customized Timelapse tour by using the application Timelapse Tour Editor by Google.  Added to that, zoom in of some selected area of the city, where transformation is rapid and more rigorous, are also included for the viewers. The images are showing how fast the fringe areas of Dhaka have been urbanized and how the  process of water-to-land conversions for urban construction has been intensified over the past 12 years both by the private developers  and government institution.

Transformation of Dhaka | Basundhara R A (between 2004-2014) Source Google Earth
Basundhara R A (between 2004-2014) | Source: Google Earth


Transformation of Dhaka | Mirpur DOHS (between 2004-2014) Source Google Earth
Eastern housing, Alubdi (between 2004-2014) | Source: Google Earth


Transformation of Dhaka | Mirpur DOHS (between 2004-2014) Source Google Earth
Mirpur DOHS (between 2004-2014) | Source Google Earth


Transformation of Dhaka | Kuril Flyover (between 2004-2014) Source Google Earth
Kuril Flyover (between 2004-2014) | Source Google Earth


Transformation of Dhaka | Uttara Model Town (between 2004-2014) Source Google Earth
Uttara Model Town (between 2004-2014) | Source Google Earth


Check out the new Timelapse for yourself below, or on the Google Earth Engine website. To explore the feature, you can type in the name of a place in the search bar, and then move the timeline along the bottom to choose which year you’d like to view.  You can also zoom in and pan to experience the changes of any area in more details. Enjoy!



R & D : Saimum Kabir /CONTEXTbd