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Thank you for submitting content to CONTEXT.
Please create a Google drive link containing:
1. A word file with a PROJECT TITLE, KEY INFORMATION about the project [architect/ design team/ office, year, client, location, supervisor (in case of a student work)] and PROJECT BRIEF (500 words). Please also provide the name of the contact person, email address and social media page link.
2. High quality photographs, drawings, diagrams, model images in jpeg format.
3. Video file/ Animation/ GIF if any.
We welcome you to submit as much information and as many photographs as you would like to. Architects/ architecture students are especially encouraged to submit architectural drawings as appropriate as they are very informative. We follow strict copyright policy. Please make sure drawings/ diagrams are readable even in a small device such as a cell phone.
Please email us the drive link with all materials mentioned above to with title of the project in the subject area. Make sure you modify the link sharing option to “anyone with the link can view.”
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