Team ONUSHONGO Wins Urban Innovation Challenge 2018

3 December, 2018 Total View: 85

Courtesy: Team Onushongo

| Ar. Tarek Morad | 

The idea project SHOMONNOY | COMMUNITY BASED SYNCHRONIZED SLUM UPGRADATION by team Onushongo has won the Urban Innovation Challenge, 2018 in ‘Low-Cost Urban Housing’ category. Organized by BRAC, the competition promotes innovative social entrepreneurs to solve various urban challenges across five categories: Climate Change, Healthcare, Low-Cost Urban Housing, Renewable Energy, and WASH. Drinkwell, Nirvana, Jotno Healthcare, City Bird and Onushongo are the five social entrepreneurs among 13 shortlisted finalists, who won the competition this year.

Courtesy: Team Onushongo
Courtesy: Team Onushongo


BRAC launched the Urban Innovation Challenge in 2016 to identify passionate innovators who are ready and willing to tackle pressing urban related issues. This year the competition strongly focused on several ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ including climate action, affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities etc. On November 27, 2018 winners in all five categories were announced by the organizers.  Team Onushongo, a group of young architects from BUET – Moinul Alam, S.Y. Andalib, A.K.M Saleh Ahmed Anik, Shuvo Datta, Umor Faruk Sanim, B.M. Tahammul Kabir and Sampad Khalifa won the award in ‘Low-Cost Urban Housing’ category. The team proposed a unique solution for slum areas of Dhaka to establish a masterplan with the help of technology, research, community attachment and phases, which will blend easily with their lifestyle, avoiding gentrification and marking a positive long-term impact. This way, it will work as a sustainable approach to make slums a livable space for the 3.5 million inhabitants.


Courtesy: Team Onushongo
Courtesy: Team Onushongo
The team Onushongo


