In recent times, a bend towards promoting future minds, including students is striking. Currently, there are several awards for the architecture students in Bangladesh. KSRM Awards for Future Architects adds a new bead on this thread.
Organised in association with Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB), the award is aiming to “bring all the three sectors of Architecture – Academia, Industry and Profession together under one roof.” However, the award is exclusively offered to students of 10 architecture schools accredited by IAB out of 27 schools in the country.
In the first round, a total of 28 projects nominated by the respective institutions were submitted. Ten participated universities were AIUB, AUST, BRACU, BUET, KU, NSU, Stamford University, SEU, SUB and UAP.
The first place was awarded to Md. Arman Alam from Stamford University Bangladesh for his thesis project “Housing- A Vertical Garden”. The project was supervised by Sheikh Itmam Soud and Muzaiana Naomi Khan. Jury cited,
“Urban housing problem is addressed here by designing a large scale housing project in a densely built-up city like Chittagong. The remarkable achievement of this project is ‘utilization of space’ both at site level and inside the buildings. Within the project site, a park-like breathing space is created by retaining the existing natural setting which connects the high-rise buildings with the adjacent neighborhoods. Intelligent handling of forms ensured environmental sustainability along with the creation of inter-connected interactional spaces at different levels. Adoption of rainwater harvesting and solar energy has revealed the consciousness for current day crisis of energy and resources. Over and above, the detail solution of housing units and their diversity shows a level of mastery in architectural design.”
Second and Third place were awarded to Bristy Sarker from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and Rahman Golam Mahmudur from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) respectively. Projects from BUET and AIUB received commendation awards.
A panel of eminent jurors Ar. Mohammad Ali Naqi [Vice-chancellor of Stamford University Bangladesh], Dr. Fuad H Mallick [Professor and Dean, School of Design, BRAC University], Dr. Farida Nilufar [Professor of Dept. of Architecture, BUET], Ar. Saif Ul Haque [2019 Aga Khan award winner and Director Research and Design program, Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscape and Settlement] and Ar. Mustafa Ameen [Principle and Proprietor of Domus Architects] evaluated these projects.

All the entries were publicly displayed in a three-day long exhibition from December 25 to December 27, 2019 at IAB Centre. The award giving ceremony was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at Hotel Intercontinental Dhaka. Mr. S M Rezaul Karim MP, Honorable minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works and Mr. Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury MP, Honorable Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education of Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Shahriar Jahan, DMD, KSRM Steel Plant Ltd, Ar. Jalal Ahmed, President IAB were present on the occasion and awarded the crest, certificate and cheques to the winners. Along with the students, their thesis teachers and respective Architecture Departments too received recognition on their achievements.
First Position
Project Title: ‘Housing’- A Vertical Garden
Name of Student: Md. Arman Alam; Stamford University Bangladesh
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Second Position
Project Title: Pottery Village – A Sustainable Settlement of Potter
Name of Student: Bristy Sarker, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST)
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Third Position
Project Title: Congruity of a Commercial Urban Block: Elephant road Shoe Market Dhaka
Name of Student: Rahman Golam Mahmudur, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
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Project Title: Building says ‘HI’
Name of Student: Md. Shariful Alam Anik, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
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Project Title: Revitalizing Jute Culture: A Museum for Golden Fiber
Name of Student: Rezve Md. Fahim Hasan, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
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Courtesy: M. Arefeen Ibrahim, Secretary, Education, Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB).