Nidrabilash | Roofliners-Studio of Architecture
7 February, 2017

|From the architect|
Nidrabilash (A residence by Roofliners-Studio of Architecture) places itself in the heart of a dense vegetation surrounding in a village named Kashiani near the district of Gopalganj , Bangladesh. This is a home of a joint family having eight siblings. They had passed their childhood in this premise of the village with their parents. Currently all the family members reside themselves in different cities of the country but they always pay visit to their village time to time. Rendering the new needs with a large number of family members, they decided to erect this house while being nostalgic to their memories of this place. They allocated the land for the new house at the end of the premise keeping all the old structures comprising as an extended house with an open front yard in between.

In the rural settlement of native Bangladesh one is generally encountered with the organic growth of households which poses a sense of temporal ambiance. Several houses containing one or two rooms find their place around an open courtyard in scattered formation. From this norm the project is conceptualized. The layout for this project is formulated in such a manner so that it takes the most benefit of the micro climatic condition. Group of free standing volumes are arranged in an organic manner stimulating a sense of ambiguity and openness while keeping an undiscovered rhythm inside. It is intended to have a blurry boundary between outdoor and indoor space.

Through the placement of terraces toward the yard and also with the perforated wall and different apertures framing the nature, the relationship has been strengthened with surroundings . The use of thick brick wall as the main structure endeavors a notion of purity which also rectifies the acceptance of aging.

From the very beginning of conceptual stage it is focused to design an experience rather a house itself. The ground floor is recessed intentionally with a calculative offering of day light to navigate one’s experience through an engraved reflecting water pool followed by a green court and light well, whereas in the upper floor they have been offered with the abundance of light to get more generic vista towards the frontal yard and open field.

Envisioning a nostalgic tranquil environment contrasting to the busy city life, it is a place for gathering with family having a lot of stories to share and even more to create for the future.

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