CITIES WITHOUT ARCHITECTURE – International Photography Competition

16 February, 2017
Name: Year: Location: Client:
© Arquitectura Sin Fronteras, demarcation Andalusia (ASF-Andalusia)
© Arquitectura Sin Fronteras, demarcation Andalusia (ASF-Andalusia)

Arquitectura Sin Fronteras, demarcation Andalusia (ASF-Andalusia) have announced the 1st edition of International Photography Competition entitled “Cities Without Architecture” .The objective is to select a photograph which will be the feature image for their ongoing campaign.


…When we say cities without architecture, we mean that they lack basic and necessary urban facilities, organization or proper public spaces, for instance. Their infrastructures are inexistent or they are threatened, and they have a vast amount of houses which were built with shapes, materials or techniques that wouldn’t stand the natural phenomena.

These cities are as a matter of fact in risk, yet they are cities. Are we aware that these cities are amongst the biggest cities in the world? Do we really know they are also exposed to all the social, economic, military or geographic storms possible? However, these cities, far from being an issue, are the solution for many people, those who settle with the scarce resources at their reach.

The universal access to a proper city and housing, makes more urgent the need to intervene in these cities in risk in order to improve their condition. Raising awareness is a necessary first step towards the obtention of resources for the improvement of the hábitat. And this is the main reason why we launch this initiative.


This competition is open for everyone over the age of 18 years, both amateurs and professional photographers, regardless their nationality and place of residence.


Each contestant will be able to present a maximum of three photographs, independent from each other or as part of a series, meeting the technical characteristics required here under. The authors shall present photographs taken from 2010 and until the competition deadline. The photographs will be unpublished and will have not been previously exhibited in other events. The photographs will be delivered in digital format, in tiff files with a size of 40x30cm and 300ppp quality. Illumination, exposition, contrast, shadow, saturation and other similar adjustments are permitted. Including or deleting elements in postproduction is not permitted, as the aim of this contest is to show a reality. Photomontages, collages or combinations of other techniques with photography will not be accepted.


A jury of five members will be responsible for choosing a winner and other awards. The jury will be composed by experts of national and international areas, in photography, architecture, and a representative of Arquitectura Sin Fronteras Andalusia.


The name of the winner will be published on the ASF Andalusia blog.

The winner will win an trip to one of the international projects that ASF is currently developing with a cost of up to 3000€ for expenses, where they will carry out a photographic report of the situation in the area and the actions developed by ASF.

The winner will win an trip to one of the international projects that ASF is currently developing with a cost of up to 3000€ for expenses, where they will carry out a photographic report of the situation in the area and the actions developed by ASF.

Besides, all the pictures will:

– Be published in a digital magazine, together with a brief explanation and the name of the author.

– Be disseminated in social media from the organization’s profiles (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and blog).

– Be displayed in an exhibition at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville, from April to June   2017.


13 February ,2017 | Competition announced

24 March, 2017 at 11:59pm | Closing date for all submission

7 April, 2017 | Announcement of winner [published on the ASF blog]


Only the digital submission will be accepted, to the email address: within the period described on the calendar, and meeting the technical requirements mentioned on the point E of these terms and conditions.

The email should specify:

Subject: name of the photograph

Personal data: name and surname(s), ID, address, cell phone number and email address.

Place and date of the photograph

Attached photograph in tiff format, named with the name of the photograph


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